High-Performance Culture

An organizational culture built on accepted behaviors and norms that are encouraged by leaders and facilitated by optimal tools and processes.

Departmental Priorities


Provide standard operating procedures for all state mandated testing areas.


Implement scheduled training for those managing communication tools and resources to ensure information is up-to-date for stakeholders.

Curriculum & Instruction

Utilize a model that enhances lesson structure and yields high-quality instructional delivery in all classrooms.

Exceptional Children

Ensure all EC staff and LEA representatives are trained in the requirements of the Special Education process including the requirement of reviewing an Individualized Education Plan within one year.

Federal Programs

Ensure the district and school staff develop procedures for continuous support and development of school improvement.


Educate stakeholders on proper accounting policies & standardized procedures and make them easily available to all parties as a resource.

Human Resources

Implement an onboarding platform that will house training protocols, board policies, and essential district resources.

Center for Innovation

Establish standard procedures and management systems for the campus visits and the use of the production studios, labs, and other CFI equipment/spaces.


Review all operational procedures annually to ensure latest technology and standard operational procedures are current and best to date strategies are used to maintain facilities.

Student Services

Development of policies and procedures to enhance organizational efficiency surrounding student services and ultimately, Vance County Schools as a district.


Work collaboratively with stakeholders to align technology policies and procedures with all organizational systems while ensuring standardization, excellent customer service, and effective and efficient IT planning.