Experiential Learning

Engaging students in hands-on experiences, opportunities, and reflections.

Departmental Priorities


Offering of hands on learning experiences aligned to content area standards to be used as an alternative assessment for demonstrated mastery.


Ensure the district is utilizing multiple platforms to share information with the community, showcasing experiences provided to students.

Curriculum & Instruction

Monitor the effective use of high-yield instructional strategies in all classrooms.

Exceptional Children

Providing opportunities for students and teachers to engage in community based instruction or other experiences.

Federal Programs

Provide educators the opportunity to participate in professional learning on researched-based strategies to support the learning environment.


Continually ensure resources are available to stakeholders to purchase products/services to meet student learning experiences; create time for finance staff to visit schools to personally witness how we support schools.

Human Resources

Provide a strong engaging onboarding program with virtual and face to face training that promotes hand-on experiences, opportunities, and reflections.

Center for Innovation

Develop, coordinate, and manage the delivery of innovative learning experiences that promote STEAM education and future-readiness.


Familiarize operations staff on student learning innovation so staff may have a better understanding of the why in order to provide the services needed to facilitate innovative learning.

Student Services

Provide opportunities and exposure for students to build competencies and skills in order to navigate and thrive after graduation.

To expose students to real world experiences that will enable them to navigate life after high school.


Strengthen and build on partnerships to support planning and implementation of innovative system wide solutions.